2023 Sturgis Photo Gallery

Bike Week Photo Gallery Sturgis

Attendance at the 2023 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally fell by 8% from the previous year, with an estimated 458,161 participants. This is the third consecutive year that attendance has declined, and organizers are attributing the drop to a number of factors, including inflation, fuel prices, and weather.

  • This years 83rd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was held from August 4-13, 2023.
  • The previous five-year average attendance for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is 500,000.
  • Inflation and fuel prices have been rising steadily in recent months, which could have made it more difficult for people to afford to travel to Sturgis.
  • The weather in Sturgis was also cooler and way wetter than usual this year, which could have discouraged some people from attending.
  • Despite the decline in attendance, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is still the largest motorcycle rally in the world.

Now with all that stats stuff out of the way here’s the 2023 Sturgis Photo Gallery

Ride or Die

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